[buug] Gentoo, Bluecurve and Linux too!

Aaron T Porter atporter at primate.net
Fri Oct 18 13:22:48 PDT 2002

	Is there any way you could get your MS Client to do sane line
breaks? Cleanly quoting your e-mails is painful.

On Fri, Oct 18, 2002 at 12:33:49PM -0700, Patrick Soltani wrote:
> I personally like/use FreeBSD cvsup which gives you "almost" absolute
> control. Linux is ok, but not as much control, since it is geared to
> have mass appeal.

	Where do you lose control with linux? The sources are there, it's
a matter of choice how you use them.

> Again the main process is to verify the source code thru MD5, pgp, etc
> first. Isolate your systems for build, config, test and more tests.
> Having the source allows me to fiddle with switches, configurations,
> right at the "source" rather than config files the binaries use.

	That sounds very short sighted... you hard-code your options when
you build your programs rather than using the defined config files? So
changes require a rebuild instead of a HUP? This saves you time and effort
	All of this is pulling further and further away from the original
disccusion. Nobody's arguing that in some cases it's a good idea to
compile your own applications, but why does it make sense to compile your
own mv, make, gzip or any of the hundreds of "standard" utils that are
on your system that you are incredibly unlikely to ever want or need to

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