[buug] mozilla

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Wed Oct 30 09:43:55 PST 2002

Quoting Nick Moffitt (nick at zork.net):

> The compile options cut out tests for the libs, but do not allow you
> to disable much.  Try downloading the tarball and have a look at
> ./configure --help.  Tell me how I cut out those gnome libraries.

Not those couple of GNOME libs, but many of the others, if memory serves.

> The big joke is that galeon requires an existing mozilla install.  You
> still end up with megs and megs of useless crap on your box.

That is indeed a deal-breaker for the LNX-BBC, but not for someone who
wants a decent Web browser without wanting GNOME.

> And pedantry about GNOME libraries versus the GNOME desktop is so last
> year. 

Seems as if my pedantry concerns a difference a couple of hundred megs
of installed cruft wide.

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