[buug] Book(s) to BUUG, Pearson Education User Group Program; & miscellaneous
Michael Paoli
Michael.Paoli at cal.berkeley.edu
Thu Sep 20 07:25:51 PDT 2007
I'm bringing a book(s) to BUUG again. This one also from the
Pearson Education User Group Program. For today's meeting, I'll be bringing:
ISBN-13 ISBN-10 Title
9780321480798 0-321-48079-1 RailSpace
I also have one issue of the
July-August 2007 issue of _The Data Center Journal_
up for grabs for anyone who wants it.
Secondly, I'm running a bit behind on reading/processing a fair number
of e-mails (mostly from around and since LinuxWorld last month). I hope to
be (at least slowly) catching up on that. There are also a few miscellaneous
items I still want to get out to the list (e.g. interesting bits from
the meeting earlier this month, etc.), but I'll have to catch up on that
a bit later.
Also, at least catching up a bit on stuff regarding the
Pearson Education User Group Program, below please find several of
their e-mails (e.g. newsletters, information on User Group discount program,
etc.). There are a few of these e-mails - hopefully the below set
gets us(/me) all caught up on those. Looks like one of the messages
was unfortunately done just in HTML ... but at least it's clean enough
HTML it's still quite readable even in non-rendered HTML. Anyway, those
e-mails (I also notice they don't seem to have us listed at the URL
they mention below - I'll contact them about that):
----- Forwarded message from "InformIT, User Groups" <usergroups at informit.com> -----
Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2007 13:08:33 -0400
From: "InformIT, User Groups" <usergroups at informit.com>
Reply-To: "InformIT, User Groups" <usergroups at informit.com>
Subject: Welcome to the Pearson Education User Group Program!
To: "InformIT, User Groups" <usergroups at informit.com>
Dear User Group Leader/Member:
Welcome to the Pearson Education User Group Program! Please pass along
to your collegues/ UG members and share the news and promotions!
The new program provides qualified user groups with product news,
discounted prices on products, free review copies in exchange for
reviews, marketing materials, and promotional giveaways. Housed on
InformIT.com, the program represents Pearson Education imprints and
well-known technology brands of Addison-Wesley Professional, Cisco
Press, Exam Cram, IBM Press, Prentice Hall, Que Publishing, and Sams
If you are receiving this initial email then your group has been
qualified and registered in our program.
Please ensure that your group's information is accurate on your page of
the site: www.informit.com/usergroups
<http://www.informit.com/usergroups> select "Find a User Group" and
your state, and group name.
News & Announcements
New site launch - check out www.informit.com <http://www.informit.com>
- representing Addison-Wesley Professional, Cisco Press, Exam Cram, IBM
Press, Prentice Hall, Que Publishing, and Sams Publishing and hear from
Publisher Paul Boger
70476de> directly.
Discounts and Bulk Orders
All active groups will receive a discount membership code, a link on our
user group site, a link to a welcome page that lists program benefits
and downloadable materials, opportunities to provide feedback through
surveys and become bloggers, and more! Groups with face-to-face meetings
will also obtain a spot on a topical "review copy" mailing list; group
leaders can use review copies to help boost meeting attendance.
A link with the discount code and additional information is coming soon!
Tell us what you think - Review A Pearson Product
Read a Pearson product lately and have something to say about it?
Besides posting the review on places like Amazon.com, BN.com and
Bookpool.com, we'd love to hear your feedback in order to create the
best possible products! Email the review to reviews at informit.com with
the subject "Book Review" and the product name in the subject line.
Subscribe to Technology Topic Focus Newsletters
Visit our newsletter page
<http://www.informit.com/newsletters/index.aspx> to subscribe to the
topical or publishing imprint newsletters and learn about new products,
articles, and promotions! This will be your monthly message regarding
new products. Encourage your members to do the same.
Sign Up for This Quarterly Newsletter
Our new program will have a quarterly newsletter that leaders and
members can subscribe to exclusively!
Look for more information about the newsletter in the future!
This Month's Exclusive UG Contest - visit www.informit.com/usergroup
<http://www.ciscopress.com/usergroup> to enter to win during the rest
of the month of August!
The Pearson Education User Group Program offers a monthly contest to all
current user group members. Each month a different prize pack on a
specific technology topic will be available! Simply complete the
registration form below to enter; one entry per person please
(duplicates are discarded).
Bookmark www.informit.com/usergroups and come back each month for your
chance to win!
In August, two people will win a suite of new Security titles.
* Exploiting Online Games
* Fuzzing: Brute Force Vulnerability Discovery
* Secure Programming with Static Analysis
* Virtual Honeypots <http://www.informit.com/title/0321336321>
Please direct inquiries to usergroups at informit.com
<mailto:usergroups at informit.com> and in the subject please include your
group name - topic area - and type of inqury.
Example: Southern California Cisco Users Group - Networking - Question
Thank you for reading
- Pearson Education User Group Program Team
(Jamie Adams, Heather Fox, Andrea Bledsoe, and Lisa Jacobson-Brown)
This email may contain confidential material.
If you were not an intended recipient,
please notify the sender and delete all copies.
We may monitor email to and from our network.
----- End forwarded message -----
----- Forwarded message from "InformIT, User Groups" <usergroups at informit.com> -----
Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2007 14:29:35 -0400
From: "InformIT, User Groups" <usergroups at informit.com>
Reply-To: "InformIT, User Groups" <usergroups at informit.com>
Subject: Welcome to the Pearson Education User Group Program! New Discount Code
Now Available!
To: "InformIT, User Groups" <usergroups at informit.com>
User Group Leaders -
Visit the new exclusive welcome page built just for you:
<http://www.informit.com/usergroupwelcome> . Here you will find the new
discount code (see discount flyer for details), official logo, banners
and flyers to download, and more!
Downloadable PDFS Available - Use these at your meetings and distribute
them to your members!
Customizable User Group Sign
Discount Flyer
2007 Must Have Products Flyer
Leaders/Members -
Bookmark our contest page and return monthly for your chance to win:
www.informit.com/usergroups <http://www.informit.com/usergroups> and
click Monthly User Group Contest. A new contest will start September 1.
Thank you!
-The Pearson Education User Group Program Team
Dear User Group Leader/Member:
Welcome to the Pearson Education User Group Program! Please pass along
to your collegues/ UG members and share the news and promotions!
The new program provides qualified user groups with product news,
discounted prices on products, free review copies in exchange for
reviews, marketing materials, and promotional giveaways. Housed on
InformIT.com, the program represents Pearson Education imprints and
well-known technology brands of Addison-Wesley Professional, Cisco
Press, Exam Cram, IBM Press, Prentice Hall, Que Publishing, and Sams
If you are receiving this initial email then your group has been
qualified and registered in our program.
Please ensure that your group's information is accurate on your page of
the site: www.informit.com/usergroups
<http://www.informit.com/usergroups> select "Find a User Group" and
your state, and group name.
News & Announcements
New site launch - check out www.informit.com <http://www.informit.com>
- representing Addison-Wesley Professional, Cisco Press, Exam Cram, IBM
Press, Prentice Hall, Que Publishing, and Sams Publishing and hear from
Publisher Paul Boger
70476de> directly.
Discounts and Bulk Orders
All active groups will receive a discount membership code, a link on our
user group site, a link to a welcome page that lists program benefits
and downloadable materials, opportunities to provide feedback through
surveys and become bloggers, and more! Groups with face-to-face meetings
will also obtain a spot on a topical "review copy" mailing list; group
leaders can use review copies to help boost meeting attendance.
Visit: www.informit.com/usergroupwelcome
<http://www.informit.com/usergroupwelcome> to find the discount code,
official logo and banners to download and more!
Tell us what you think - Review A Pearson Product
Read a Pearson product lately and have something to say about it?
Besides posting the review on places like Amazon.com, BN.com and
Bookpool.com, we'd love to hear your feedback in order to create the
best possible products! Email the review to usergroups at informit.com
<mailto:usergroups at informit.com> with the subject "Book Review" and the
product name in the subject line.
Subscribe to Technology Topic Focus Newsletters
Visit our newsletter page
<http://www.informit.com/newsletters/index.aspx> to subscribe to the
topical or publishing imprint newsletters and learn about new products,
articles, and promotions! This will be your monthly message regarding
new products. Encourage your members to do the same.
Sign Up for This Quarterly Newsletter
Our new program will have a quarterly newsletter that leaders and
members can subscribe to exclusively!
Look for more information about the newsletter in the future!
This Month's Exclusive UG Contest - visit www.informit.com/usergroup
<http://www.ciscopress.com/usergroup> to enter to win during the month
of August!
The Pearson Education User Group Program offers a monthly contest to all
current user group members. Each month a different prize pack on a
specific technology topic will be available! Simply complete the
registration form below to enter; one entry per person please.
Bookmark www.informit.com/usergroups and come back each month for your
chance to win!
In August, two people will win a suite of new Security titles.
* Exploiting Online Games
* Fuzzing: Brute Force Vulnerability Discovery
* Secure Programming with Static Analysis
* Virtual Honeypots <http://www.informit.com/title/0321336321>
Please direct inquiries to usergroups at informit.com
<mailto:usergroups at informit.com> and in the subject please include your
group name - topic area - and type of inqury.
Example: Southern California Cisco Users Group - Networking - Question
Thank you for reading
- Pearson Education User Group Program Team
(Jamie Adams, Heather Fox, Andrea Bledsoe, and Lisa Jacobson-Brown)
This email may contain confidential material.
If you were not an intended recipient,
please notify the sender and delete all copies.
We may monitor email to and from our network.
----- End forwarded message -----
----- Forwarded message from InformIT User Groups <usergroups at informit.com> -----
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2007 11:48:02 -0400
From: InformIT User Groups <usergroups at informit.com>
Reply-To: InformIT User Groups <usergroups at informit.com>
Subject: Pearson Education User Group Program Quarterly Newsletter
To: Michael.Paoli at cal.berkeley.edu
A:link { text-decoration : none; }
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<body bgcolor=3D"#FFFFFF">
<table width=3D"640" border=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"5" cellspacing=3D"5" colsp=
<td> </td>
<td valign=3D"top" align=3D"right"><font face=3D"arial, helvetica" size=3D"=
1">September=2018, 2007</font></td>
<td colspan=3D"2"><img
width=3D"640" height=3D"98"></td>
<td valign=3D"top" colspan=3D"2"><font face=3D"arial, helvetica"
size=3D"4">Pearson Education User G=
roup Program Quarterly Newsletter</font></td>
<td width=3D"320" valign=3D"top">
<p><font face=3D"arial, helvetica" size=3D"2">
Welcome to the first Pearson Education User Group Program quarterly newslett=
er for official members.=20Please pass this along to your colleagues and share
our news and offers. </=
<p><font face=3D"arial, helvetica" size=3D"3"><strong>News &
Announcements</strong><br /></=
<font face=3D"arial, helvetica" size=3D"2">
<p><strong>InformIT.com User Group Program Launch</strong><br />
The launch of our new user group program coincides with the launch of our online
portal In=
formIT.com. InformIT is home to the world's leading technology publishing
imprints Addison-Wesley, C=
isco Press, ExamCram, IBM Press, Prentice Hall, Que, and Sams. InformIT.com
provides access to trust=
ed and quality content and resources from the authors, creators, innovators, and
leaders of technolo=
<p>The Pearson Education User Group Program provides qualified user groups with
product new=
s, discounted=20
prices on=20products, free review copies in exchange for reviews, marketing
materials, =
and promotional giveaways. Focusing on a wide array of topics from security,
operating systems, and =
web development to networking, open source, programming and more, our new
program can arrange for au=
thors to speak at group meetings and support attendance at your events. </p>
<p>Visit <a
to take =
advantage of great offers and information. Cisco User Groups visit <a
redir?MCid=3DrxPfA1jQnIX7sOyLczya">www.ciscopress.com/usergroup</a> for more
<p><strong>OnPodcasts</strong><br />
<img src=3D"http://www.informit.com/content/downloads/images/On_Podcasts75x=
75.jpg" style=3D"float:left; margin: 0 5px 3px 0;">
Whether you are a student looking to learn the best places to source
information, or a developer or programmer looking to enhance your knowledge of Aja=
x, Java, Ruby, C#, .NET,=20VB, Linux and more, we've got important information
that will help you do y=
our job smarter, better,=20and faster!</p>
<p><a href=3D"http://mcsv.net/cgi-bin/redir?MCid=3DpsMB52O9M8X7sOyLczya">OnMi=
crosoft Channel</a><br />
<a href=3D"http://mcsv.net/cgi-bin/redir?MCid=3Dax720toHfkX7sOyLczya">OnSecur=
ity Channel</a><br />
<a href=3D"http://mcsv.net/cgi-bin/redir?MCid=3DC0SgrcURfMX7sOyLczya">OnSoftw=
are Channel</a></p>
<p><strong>Voices That Matter: Google Web Toolkit Conference</strong><br />
December 4-6, 2007<br />
San Francisco, CA<br />
Presented by Addison-Wesley Professional and Prentice Hall Professional</p>
<p><img src=3D"http://www.informit.com/content/downloads/images/GWTlogo75x7=
5.jpg" style=3D"float:right;=20margin: 0 5px 3px 0;"> Leverage the power and
functionality of Google Web T=
oolkit. Meet the Google GWT team, learn how to develop and debug AJAX
applications using your favori=
te Java tools, and more.=20<a
r Now and Save!</a></p>
<p><strong>Attending DevConnections?</strong><br />
We will be exhibiting at the show November 5-8 in Las Vegas and would like to
give leaders free books for your group! Please st=
op by the Addison-Wesley=20booth at the end of the show and bring a copy of this
newsletter or your bu=
siness card to prove your User Group leadership and receive free books. </p>
<p><strong>Safari Rough CutsGet Online Access to Books as They're
Written</strong><br />
The Rough Cuts service from Safari Books Online gives you exclusive access to an
evolving manuscript that you can read online o=
r download as a PDF and print. The initial version of a Rough Cuts book will not
be fully edited, su=
bjected to final technical review, or completely formatted. The Rough Cuts PDF
is updated as the aut=
hor and technical reviewers progress, so users have access to new versions as
they are created. <a h=
ref=3D"http://mcsv.net/cgi-bin/redir?MCid=3D2XcEHifWCOX7sOyLczya">See all Rough
<td width=3D"315" valign=3D"top">
<p><font face=3D"arial, helvetica" size=3D"3"><strong>New in the Store</fon=
<td valign=3D"top"><a href=3D"http://mcsv.net/cgi-bin/redir?MCid=3DM7yWi1U6=
src=3D"http://www.informit.com/ShowCover.aspx?isbn=3D1587201836&type=3De" alt=
=3D"CCNA Official Exam Certification Library" width=3D"51" border=3D"0" /></a></td>
<td valign=3D"top"><dl>
<a href=3D"http://mcsv.net/cgi-bin/redir?MCid=3DM7yWi1U6qmX7sOyLczya"
class=3D"title"><font face=3D"arial, hel=
vetica" size=3D"2">CCNA Official=20Exam Certification Library, 3rd
Edition</a></font><br />
<font face=3D"arial, helvetica" size=3D"2">By Wendell Odom</a></font><br />
<font face=3D"arial, helvetica" size=3D"2">Your Price: $47.99 (save 20%)</a></font>
<td valign=3D"top"><a
sbn=3D0768677793&type=3De" alt=3D"Sams Teach Yourself Adobe Creative Suite 3 All
in One" width=3D"51" border=
=3D"0" /></a></td>
<td valign=3D"top"><dl>
<a href=3D"http://mcsv.net/cgi-bin/redir?MCid=3DfMmHat5Ge8X7sOyLczya" class=
=3D"title"><font face=3D"arial, helvetica" size=3D"2">Sams Teach Yourself Adobe
Creative Suite 3 All=
in One, 3rd Edition, Adobe Reader</a></font><br />
<font face=3D"arial, helvetica" size=3D"2">By Mordy Golding, John Ray</font=
><br />
<font face=3D"arial, helvetica" size=3D"2">Your Price: $27.99 </font></a>
<td=20valign=3D"top"><a href=3D"http://mcsv.net/cgi-bin/redir?MCid=3Dup4yoaLBMe=
alt=3D"Do It Wrong Qu=
ickly: How the Web Changes the=20Old Marketing Rules" width=3D"51" border=3D"0"
<td valign=3D"top"><dl>
<a href=3D"http://mcsv.net/cgi-bin/redir?MCid=3Dup4yoaLBMeX7sOyLczya"
class=3D"title"><font face=3D"ar=
ial, helvetica" size=3D"2">Do It=20Wrong Quickly: How the Web Changes the Old
Marketing Rules, Adobe Reader</a=
></font><br />
<font face=3D"arial, helvetica" size=3D"2">By Mike Moran</font><br />
<font face=3D"arial, helvetica" size=3D"2">Your Price: $19.99 </font></a>
<td valign=3D"top"><a
er.aspx?isbn=3D0789735873&type=3De" alt=3D"Microsoft Windows Vista Help Desk"
width=3D"51" border=3D"0" /></=
<td valign=3D"top"><dl>
<a href=3D"http://mcsv.net/cgi-bin/redir?MCid=3Dh8XNFJy2z2X7sOyLczya" class=3D=
"title"><font face=3D"arial, helvetica" size=3D"2">Microsoft Windows Vista Help
Desk</a></font><br />
<font face=3D"arial, helvetica" size=3D"2">By Andy Walker</a></font><br />
<font face=3D"arial, helvetica" size=3D"2">Your Price: $27.99 (save 20%)</a></font>
<td valign=3D"top"><a
?isbn=3D0789736934&type=3De" alt=3D"Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 On Demand"
width=3D"51" border=3D"0" /></a></td>
<td valign=3D"top"><dl>
<a href=3D"http://mcsv.net/cgi-bin/redir?MCid=3Dq4uExLMAq0X7sOyLczya"
nt face=3D"arial, helvetica" size=3D"2">Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 On
Demand</a></font><br />
<font face=3D"arial, helvetica" size=3D"2">By Andy Anderson, Steve Johnson,
Perspection Inc.</a></font><br />
<font face=3D"arial, helvetica" size=3D"2">Your Price: $31.99 (save 20%)</a></font>
<p><font face=3D"arial, helvetica" size=3D"2"><strong><a
1XzEX7sOyLczya">See All</a></strong></p>
<font face=3D"arial, helvetica" size=3D"3"><p><strong>User Group Offers<br =
<font face=3D"arial, helvetica" size=3D"2"><a
=3DiXVZAq6dv6X7sOyLczya">www.informit.com/usergroupwelcome</a> </strong></p>
<p><strong>Discounts and Bulk Orders</strong><br />
All active user groups receive a discount membership code; ask your leader for=
your code and visit the=20
exclusive user group page to access discount flyers, signs, meeting materia=
ls, and more!</p>
<p><strong>Exclusive User Group Contest </strong><br />
The Pearson Education User Group Program offers=20a monthly contest to user
group members only. Each month a different prize=
pack on a specific technology topic will be available! Simply complete the
registration form to ent=
er; one entry per person=20please (duplicates are discarded). Bookmark <a
and come back each month for=
your chance to win! </p>=20
<p><strong>Download the Official Program Logo and Banners </strong><br />
Pearson has an official logo you can use to show your participation in the user
group program. Th=
e logo can be used on your site, in your newsletters, or in group materials.
Banners are available i=
n three sizes, as well. </p>
<p><strong>Subscribe to Topical Newsletters </strong><br />
Visit our <a
page</a> to subscribe t=
o the topical or publishing imprint newsletters and learn about new products,
articles, and promotions=
! Encourage your colleagues do the same.</p>
<p><strong>Questions?</strong><br />
Please contact <a
href=3D"mailto:usergroups at informit.com">usergroups at informit.com</a> and include
your user group name,=
relevant topic area, and type of inquiry in the subject line, for example:
Southern California Cisc=
o Users GroupNetworkingEvent Question.</p>
<tr><td colspan=3D"2">
<font size=3D"1">
<p>Did someone forward this to you? E-mail <a
href=3D"mailto:usergroups at informit.com?subject=3DQu=
arterly Newsletter">usergroups at informit.com</a> <br />with your name, group
name, group topic area, and =
e-mail address to subscribe.</p>
<p>InformIT, 800 East 96th Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46240<br />
© 2007 Pearson Education. All rights reserved. </p>
<img src=3D'http://mcsv.net/cgi-bin/open?id=3DTC8oxH18EKX7sOyLczya' width=3D3
<a href=3D"http://list-manage.com/unsub.phtml?id=3DJvlCGWtP7YcX7sOyLczya">Remove
me from this list</a>
----- End forwarded message -----
More information about the buug
mailing list