[buug] missed connection, speaker arranging - was: Re: ANNOUNCE: BAD Meeting TOMORROW...

john_re john_re at fastmail.us
Mon Jun 9 10:01:52 PDT 2008

> > Keith said:
> > > Did I make the classic newbie mistake of showing up on time? I was at
> > > Evans Hall 12 to 12:40 but no sign of the potluck.

<Hanging my head in my hands> Keith Keith Keith!  What were you
thinking???!!! :(

Oh, man.  . . . Oh, well. 

Since I don't think we've ever met IRL, (have we?) I'm not going to be
hard on you.  ;)

You must have just missed Glen by seconds. I'm very sorry about that.

OK, well, it was my fault for being late.  I'm sorry about that. 
There's been just too much to do pulling this meeting together, together
with my other real responsibilities.

Where were you coming from? From the time of your messages, I'm thinking
you must have been close by.  If yes, was there not enough time to head
back & meet us when you wrote at 2:23pm?  We were there till about

I was especially looking forward to meeting you because you suggested
the idea for the backup talk, which Andrew then found Tom Belote as a
speaker for.  I wanted to talk with you about my ideas for "attendee
arranged talks", where the person who has an idea for a talk, if a
speaker is available, basically handles arrangements for the speaker.  I
think it should all be pretty easy - just a few emails to exchange.  I
wanted to see if you thought that was feasible in general, & if you
thought you could handle that for Tom Belote.

What do you think?

Keith wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 7, 2008 at 2:19 PM, Glen Jarvis <glen at glenjarvis.com> wrote:
> > Keith,
> >  I'm sorry to have missed you. I was also running late and so were about 9
> > other who are here now....    I'm not sure how long we are staying.. I'm
> > just a n00b myself sitting in the corner trying to get work done.  If it

Aside: n00b. Oh, yeah, right. ;) - Glen is actually about 25 years old
and has about 20 years experience.

> > helps, we've moved to the Free Speech Cafe - outdoors and are just
> > chatting.... looking for a hub so we can share a connection.
> >
> > I'm not sure how helpful this is...  But, I hope I could help a little.
> Thanks for the update. I'll try to be fashionably late next month.

Actually, given the exact problem you had - being on time & there was
noone there yet - I'm thinking
that it would be good to have a backup person who would commit to being
early for the meeting, in case I for some reason run late again. (Not
that I hope that will ever happen.)  Given that you were so bright eyed
& bushy tailed, might you be willing to do that?  I'm sure there must be
some special kind of perks, but I can't think what they are.  Maybe
you'd get an extra "thank you" from me.

Please let me know. 

If you can't or don't want to handle the
arrangements with Tom, that's fine.  Let me know & I'll take care of it.

I hope to have the room arranged for next meeting soon, & will be
making sure we have a display system.  I'm hoping to get two adjacent
rooms - one for the talks, another for the installfest/socializing.

PS, everyone: I'm 90% sure I'll be aiming to have the next meeting be
Saturday July 5, in Evans Hall.  Hopefully I'll have more info in a few

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