[buug] Berkeley Unix User's Group

Karen Hogoboom khogoboom at gmail.com
Fri Jun 10 04:12:13 PDT 2011

Hello Mr. Beisser,

I don't believe we've met.  Have you attended any buug meetings that I've
been at?

1)  Please clarify whether you mean due to my sex acts or my gender.

2)  I perceive myself as having been discriminated against in the software
industry due to my gender for as long as I have been in it.

3)  I strongly suggest that you go to Boston and examine the evidence


On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 6:03 PM, Johan Beisser <jb at caustic.org> wrote:

> On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 5:41 PM, Karen Hogoboom <khogoboom at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > I am just attempting to defend my good name.  I'm sorry that you decided
> to
> > start a flame war about it.
> >
> > I would prefer to attend polite user group meetings and be on polite
> email
> > lists where women are not dissed without people looking into those
> women's
> > credentials first.
> >
> > Just because a woman is over 40 is no reason to start abusing her in
> public.
> Would you please explain two things for me:
> 1 - where was anyone outright rude to you due to your sex?
> 2 - when did anyone in this thread abuse you (either for being over
> 40, or for being female).
> So far I've seen nothing but polite insistence of research, with
> pointers to where you can get more information.
> I guess it's actually three questions.
> 3 - what broken MIT stuff?

Karen Lee Hogoboom
Computer Programmer
Phone:  (510) 666-8298
Mobile:  (510) 407-4363

khogoboom at gmail.com
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