[buug] !*%@ javascript

Ian Zimmerman itz at buug.org
Sat Jul 21 21:27:16 PDT 2012

I am desperately searching for a workable solution for browsing the Brave
New Web.  Noscript was great for a while and its author is a hero, but
it doesn't scale to the size of the problem anymore.  An example is
http://www.thestar.com ; how in the world am I to know which of the
domains I must enable to fix the navigation?  And then, because the
whitelist is local, I must go through the same on the laptop when I
visit the site from there.  A version of this happens for every major

I am wondering if a distributed blacklist approach might work,
i.e. allow all scripts by default but consult (automatically) some
well-known sources for lists of the blockable ones.  This would be
similar to the progresssion in email spam fighting, from heroic procmail
rule hacks to things like RBLs and DCC.

Is there anything like that, or is anyone working on anything?

Ian Zimmerman
gpg public key: 1024D/C6FF61AD
fingerprint: 66DC D68F 5C1B 4D71 2EE5  BD03 8A00 786C C6FF 61AD
Rule 420: All persons more than eight miles high to leave the court.

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