[buug] chatty lynx

Nick Moffitt nick at zork.net
Mon Nov 7 01:58:01 PST 2016

Ian Zimmerman:
> Meanwhile I decided that in almost all situations when using lynx, I
> want to "page" through a HTML file, not "browse" it, so I changed the
> mailcap entry:
> text/html; lynx -force_html -dump %s | less -M -i ; nametemplate=%s.html ; needsterminal

While we're on to mailcap hacks, I find that it's useful to convert html
to markdown (particularly for html-only e-mails):

    text/html; /usr/bin/pandoc -f html -t markdown+hard_line_breaks '%s'; copiousoutput

At some point I should revisit the options to be more clever about tables and

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