[buug] Partition Sharing

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Mon Jul 10 01:07:00 PDT 2000

begin  Zeke Krahlin quotation:

> While I think I'll settle with Nicolai's idea of using a cross-platform
> file viewer/copier, I still want to learn how to use "mount" to accomplish
> write-access to vfat, as a user. Thanx, Rick.

Ordinarily, one automates the mounting process through adding lines to 
/etc/fstab.  Each line of that file is essentially a mount command, 
slightly rearranged.  You put into the "options" field on such lines 
whatever extra options you would have given to the mount command, if
you were doing the job manually.

The /etc/fstab (File System TABle) is a list of all the filesystems 
that are to be auto-mounted at boot time, plus sometimes a few that
you wish to make _easily_ mountable without lots of complicated 
parameters, but not automatically mount at boot time.

Your CD-ROM and floppy drives usually are of the latter type.  Here's 
one of my laptops' fstab:

# <filesys> <mountpoint> <type>   <options>                  <dump>  # <pass>
/dev/hda1    /boot         ext2    defaults                   0      2
/dev/hda2    /             ext2    defaults,errors=remount-ro 0      1
/dev/hda3    /var          ext2    defaults                   0      2
/dev/hda5    none          swap    sw                         0      0
/dev/hda6    /usr          ext2    defaults                   0      2
/dev/hda7    /usr/local    ext2    defaults                   0      2
proc         /proc         proc    defaults                   0      0
/dev/hdc     /mnt/cdrom    iso9660 ro,noauto                  0      0
/dev/fd0     /mnt/floppy   ext2    noauto                     0      0

Notice the "noauto" field for the floppy and CD-ROM.  Every other line's
filesystem gets auto-mounted at boot time.  Notice the "<options>" area:
That is where you would specify mount options such as uid/gid and rights

Cheers,                                      Right to keep and bear
Rick Moen                                  Haiku shall not be abridged
rick (at) linuxmafia.com                      Or denied.  So there.

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