[buug] Linux Movies

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Fri Jul 25 14:39:45 PDT 2003

Quoting George Woolley (george at metaart.org):

> reference:   http://www.linuxmovies.org/
> Does anyone know the status of Linux Movies?
> I haven't been able to access them since July 11th.

Didn't Robin Rowe move to L.A.?  It may or may not have enough of a
separate existence from its creator to continue in the Bay Area.
Maybe you want to ask Kristine Sawyer <kurlykitty1 at yahoo.com>, who
just might be the Bay Area coordinator, judging from the Web page.

Cheers,                    Remember:  The day after tomorrow is the third day
Rick Moen                  of the rest of your life.
rick at linuxmafia.com

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