[buug] Firing a URL with lynx?

Skip Evans evans at ncseweb.org
Fri Jun 13 10:54:41 PDT 2003

Hi all,

I have a PHP script I wrote that fires off an email to members of a
web site to let them know at the end of the day all the updates to the 
site for that day.

I was wondering if it's possible to put a call to lynx in a chron job
and have it fire off the URL, but then also kill itself once it has done
the URL.

I have looked through the options in the man pages, but didn't see
anything that would cause it to terminate after executing the script.

Anyone know how this can be done, if it can be done?


Skip Evans
Network Project Director
National Center for Science Education
420 40th St, Suite 2
Oakland, CA 94609
510-601-7203 Ext. 308
510-601-7204 (fax)
evans at ncseweb.org

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