[buug] politeness

Karen Hogoboom khogoboom at gmail.com
Wed Apr 20 20:29:03 PDT 2011

I notice that people who smoke pot a lot are very rude--they talk too long
and they interrup and they think it's funny.  A polite woman does not like
to be interrupted.  This is especially true of a polite, professional
computer programmer.   I notice that I am interruped a lot when I am talking
at buug.  I also notice that the men at buug ask me a lot of questions, but
don't wait for me to give a complete answer.  Instead, they interrupt and
talk to other men about something else instead or they force me to listen to
them, which is doubly rude.

I find the current people at buug to be rude.   Would you please educate
yourselves on how not to be rude to a polite woman?



Karen Lee Hogoboom
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